
Torres de Serranos y Calle Serranos, Valencia, España

Torres de Serranos

My time here in Valencia has already been amazing, and it has only been the first week. The trip getting here wasn't as amazing however, Hannah and I underestimated that eight hour plane ride and made the mistake of not taking one large Tylenol PM. We had fun trying to eat during the turbulence and had laughing fits trying to put the food in our mouths while the plane rocked back and forth. Jealous of the woman passed out next to us (for the entire eight hours might I add) we were forced to switch back and forth between Die Hard, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 30 Rock, and the Lion King, which I watched twice. As a result of no legitimate sleep, we tried to nap on a bench in Zurich, Switzerland waiting for another flight in four hours, and I became very paranoid someone would steal everything I had. The next flight took us to Valencia, finally, and I couldn't keep my eyes off the window as we soared over the coast and down into the airport. I got off and prayed that my luggage wasn't lost and thankfully it wasn't. I was honestly feeling three major things after I got off that plane, met new people, and headed onto the bus to the study center. I felt anxious, lethargic (to the point of not being able to open my eyes to introduce myself), and nervous. The step off the bus and into the study center made everything real for the first time. More than the packing (which I did horribly), multiple plane rides, and constant reassurance by classmates who have already been to Valencia that these three months were going to be the time of my life. I had been waiting for that moment, I just wish I was in a better mood once I realized it! A quick shower immediately after I met my roommate and threw my stuff to the ground changed everything and I felt like a new person.

The students and teachers I meet are so nice and welcoming. After the initial "Hello my name is Kristina, with a K" to everyone I meet, the orientation meetings began and made me even more thrilled. Everyone seems so excited to be there and they never fail to remind you: "these will be the best 3 months of your life". Hearing it and living it are two different things, and I'm glad the time has come to live the Valencian life and appreciate my experience. I already feel like I am accustomed to the layout of the city (after walking for hours on end during Las Rebajas) and I am getting better and more comfortable using my Spanish out in public. Occasionally I run into a speedbump and have no idea how to say something, like trying to ask what a store's "return policy" was on their clothing. It always works out in the end though! Also, I continue to make the mistake of shaking someone's hand when I meet them instead of kissing them on the cheek. I have fun keeping count as to how many blondes I can find besides me, the tally is very low at the moment. More cultural differences to come I'm sure...

Paul, Hannah, and I stumbled upon a group of Jacksonville people and we all get along very well. Each person you meet seems to have a connection to you in some way or another. The biggest connection of all though is that you all are studying abroad in Valencia together and sharing the best 3 months of your life. I don't care if it sounds's true. So far I almost have all the names down, I know everybody in my apartment and I'm starting to get the hang of things like the best hangouts, restaurants, shopping hot spots and more. I can't believe a week has already gone by in this amazing city. I look forward to reporting about everything else that happens in my 3 months here!

Calle Serranos


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