
Valencia, España

Back home at Los Torres de Serranos
Never would I ever expect to be back here again, in my second home of Valencia, Spain. At least not for many years. This made stepping off the plane back into the Valencian air that much more special. The entire taxi ride I was filled with emotion and with anticipation, but nothing compared as to when I stepped out in front of the Torres and the study center at last. I immediately felt at home again. I walked inside for the first time since April and was greeted by the FSU family and the familiar sights of the study center. I can't put into words how amazing and fortunate I felt at that moment, I really could not believe I was back, ringing the reception buzzer to be let in, climbing up the staircase, and roaming the halls I lived in months ago.

Since being back for the second time, I've had to adjust to so many new things I didn't anticipate. All the tasks that come with being a PA, the 80 new faces that I personally was not used to seeing in the center, and also committing to Spanish ways of life once again. This included having shifts behind the front desk most days and nights, forgetting student's names on a daily basis (plus mistaking them for other people), remembering siesta time from 2-6 in which most stores close, and adjusting to eating at 9:30 pm or later each night. The strangest thing at first was probably not being in my old apartment with the same group of people; our dysfunctional little apartment 8 family that was never clean and always loud. I would walk into rooms I knew where my friends would normally be, but not find them there. It was surreal. Also seeing specific places and sights would trigger memories of my friends from last spring so quickly, and it was hard knowing they would not be here with me again. At least not in this Spring semester. 

Our neighborhood
Along with the changes came so many familiar things I was more than excited to see. One of the main things was the food. I definitely went to every single one of my favorite restaurants during the first two weeks I was back, while at the same time taking pictures of everything I ate to document the special moment, AND spending all of my cheques before the month was done. I forgot how much I loved the food here in Valencia until I returned and tried it again. Three words: cafe con leche. However the sights were what really made me nostalgic for the past semester. I felt almost as if it was my first time there, because I kept taking pictures of all my favorite places and old restaurants. The Torres, the plazas Virgen, Reina, and Ayuntamiento, plus the riverbed of course. Our neighborhood in general. I love it all, and honestly still cannot believe I'm back and have been living here for 20 days so far. Time is already flying by in Valencia just like it used to.

So far we are two weeks into the program and I think I can say I've started to settle. We had a chance to travel together as a group to a small city called Xátiva, which I had been to before with a group of friends last year. I think was a great choice for a day trip. Trips always bring groups together in my opinion, and I can't wait to take the first big one to Andalucía within the upcoming week. Coming back to Xátiva was amazing though, for it demonstrated yet another moment where I never expected to be in the same place again. Seeing the ancient castle walls and climbing to the top with a whole new set of people was so strange but exciting, and I truly enjoyed it. I loved hearing everyone's reactions to the panoramic views and beautiful scenery that I had fallen in love with a year ago. Each day I can see the process starting, I can tell all the students are falling in love with Spain and everything about Valencia more and more, and it's so intriguing watch. 

The town of Xátiva, view from our hike
The castle at Xátiva

We have also had the chance to visit Valencia fútbol games already, against Sevilla and Real Madrid, plus pay the famous City of Arts and Sciences a visit, which is always a sight to marvel at. Participating in these events immediately when we arrived were great reminders of how special and unique Valencia is as a city, and showed the students fantastic examples of Valencian culture right off the bat. As time goes on I cannot wait to see how being in Valencia a second time changes me, and I look forward to watching the students here experience Valencian life and learn to love it. I'm confident most already love it here, it's truly hard not to. For me, there are still so many things to discover in this city, and I'm grateful to have a second chance to explore Valencia even further.

City of Arts and Sciences

Inside the City of Arts and Science's aquarium
Valencia vs. Sevilla in Mestalla

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